DCU People
EDI | Athena Swan Self Assessment Team 2023/24

University Athena Swan Self-Assessment Team
Led by Anne Sinnott, Vice-President Diversity and Equality, the University Self-Assessment Team (SAT) strives to ensure that the principles of Athena Swan are embedded throughout the university and ensure a robust process for self-analysis is in place.
The SAT was established to:
- Oversee, guide, prepare and submit University's Athena Swan applications, and;
- Design, deliver and monitor the University’s Action Plans.
To achieve this, the SAT:
- Led on carrying out a thorough self-assessment of equality in our institution; including analysing and interpreting data and other quantitative and qualitative information in order to identify key findings, gaps and areas for action planning and further research;
- Identified and recommended suitable priorities, actions and objectives to be included in any Action Plans;
- Established robust measures to monitor progress against our Action Plan;
- Reported on progress made against our Action Plan within the institution;
- Actively promoted equality, diversity and inclusion across the institution, in accordance with the Athena Swan Charter and its new principles.
Our Chair, Anne Sinnott stated that -
DCU is committed to the principles underpinning the Athena SWAN Charter and received an Athena Swan Bronze Award in 2017 which was successfully retained in 2020. Our focus now is on working towards an Athena Swan Silver Award in 2024. Taking an intersectional approach, we will seek to build on the progress we have made towards gender equality while also monitoring and developing initiatives that link gender to other protected characteristics such as ethnicity, age, and disability.
The Self-Assessment Team is comprised of:
- Prof. Anne Sinnott, VP Diversity and Equality (Chair)
- Joanne Mulligan, Athena Swan Officer, HR (Secretary)
- Prof. Janine Bosak, Professor of Work & Organizational Psychology, & DCU Business School EDI Committee Chair
- Dr. Jing Burgi-Tian, Institutional Research and Analysis Officer, Quality Promotions Office
- Caroline Chambers, Deputy Programme Director, SIS
- Prof. John Doyle, Vice President for Research
- Dr. Ciaran Dunne, Transversal Skills Director, Office of the Vice-President Academic Affairs
- Dr. Yuhui Gao, Associate Professor, and DCU Business School Athena Swan Coordinator
- Lorna Greene, EDI Adviser, HR
- Isabel Hidalgo, Research Information and Analytics Officer, Research and Innovation Support
- Mary Jennings, Service Delivery Manager, HR
- Laura Mahoney, Executive Director of Engagement
- John McDonough, University Librarian, DCU Library
- John McLoughlin, Technical Officer, School of Chemical Sciences
- Sam Mooney, DCUSU VP for Diversity and Inclusion
- Dr. Padraig Murphy, Associate Professor and Associate Dean for External Engagement Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Dr. Siún Nic Mhuirí, Assistant Professor School of STEM Education and Global Studies, & DCU Institute of Education EDI Lead
- Prof. Brien Nolan, Professor in Mathematical Sciences, and Deputy Dean Faculty of Science and Health
- Dr. David O'Connor, Assistant Professor School of Chemical Sciences
- Thomas O'Dowd, DCUSU President
- Úna Prendergast, Senior Technical Officer, Nano-Research Facility
- Michele Pringle, Faculty Manager Engineering and Computing and EDI Lead
- Robbie Roulston, Deputy Chief Operations Officer
- Annabella Stover, Deputy Director, Student Support & Development