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Dignity and Respect Student Procedures


The purpose of this Procedures Document is:

●      To have adequate and accessible mechanisms to handle bullying, discrimination or harassment effectively.

●      To support provisions to enable complaints of alleged bullying and harassment to be thoroughly investigated in a manner that recognises the sensitivity of the issues raised, maintains appropriate confidentiality and protects the rights of the parties involved.

●      To assist in upholding a safe environment where bullying, discrimination and harassment are considered unacceptable and not tolerated. 

●      To develop a culture whereby individuals can raise concerns about bullying, discrimination, and harassment, confident that their issues will be dealt with appropriately, consistently, fairly and without fear of ridicule or victimisation.

●      To foster an environment where individuals and groups treat one another with dignity and respect.

  • To ensure that all members of the University community are aware of behaviour that may constitute discrimination, bullying and harassment and their responsibilities for avoiding and/or preventing such behaviour.

●      To encourage, where safe and appropriate, the internal and informal resolution of issues.


This procedure applies to all students of the University, including undergraduate, postgraduate taught, postgraduate research, online and on campus.  These are hereinafter collectively referred to as ‘Members of the University Community’. A separate Staff Procedures Document is available from the HR EDI unit.

These procedures apply to all areas of the University’s operations and programmes. It applies to conduct which takes place:

  • on any University campus;
  • at any other university or another place (including abroad) where students are representing the University or are engaged in a University-related activity;
  • any virtual setting in relation to any University-related activity e.g. zoom meetings, Blackboard, Microsoft teams, etc.
  • at events such as social functions, conferences, sporting events, field trips or work assignments which are related to the University or are a University-related activity;
  • in person, in writing, on the telephone, by email or online, including social media,         regarding any University-related activity.


The procedure for the resolution of an incident of bullying, harassment, or discrimination to a student or by a student is as follows:

Roles and Responsibilities 

The University, through developing these procedures, seeks to address bullying, harassment, and discrimination across the institution as it has a duty of care to its staff and students and to protect itself from reputational damage. The Dignity and Respect at Work and Study Policy contains the roles and responsibilities of units/departments within the university that engage with this procedure.


Harassment and discrimination are covered in legislation by the Equal Status Acts 2000 – 2018  .  Please see the Dignity and Respect at Work and Study Policy document related to these procedures  for more information on bullying, harassment and discrimination as well as further related definitions.

Related Documentation

This procedure should be read in conjunction with:

Additional Sources of Support 

DCU Student Counselling Service
DCU Student Advice Centre 
Student Policy Officer, Student Support & Development



Name Title Contact Details Phone
Deirdre Moloney Student Policy Officer  01 700 6157

Procedure Review

This procedure will be reviewed annually unless amendments are necessary throughout the academic year.

Version Control


Document Name Student Sexual Misconduct Procedure
Version Reference V2.0
Document Owner Deirdre Moloney, Student Policy Officer, Student Support and Development
Approved by None Required
Date 18th April 2023