DCU Research Career Framework
DCU is a major research institution that has gained worldwide recognition for the work of its researchers.
The Research Career Framework (RCF) is a three-level developmental pathway designed to support and guide researchers on their wider career path.
Research Career Framework

Research at DCU
The Research Career Framework aims to ensure that DCU remains a University of choice for top-class research and researchers in the future.
Purpose of the Researcher Career Framework
The Researcher Development Framework (RCF) is designed to enhance our capability to develop world-class researchers. It provides a structured framework that supports the professional and career development of our researchers by explicitly identifying the competencies and behaviours needed for success and progression.
The RCF aims to ensure that DCU remains a University of choice for top-class research and researchers in the future.
Participating researchers are facilitated in developing a set of valuable and transferable skills that will enhance their career opportunities both within and outside the university. The framework supports Principal Investigators (PIs) in delivering excellence in research at DCU.
Structure of the RCF
As above, the RCF has three clear levels of progression structuring the researcher career path.
Level 1: Postdoctoral Researcher - up to a maximum of 4 years in duration
Level 2: Research Fellow - up to a maximum of 4 years in duration
Level 3: Senior Research Fellow - up to a maximum of 4 years in duration
A researcher can spend up to
- a maximum of 8 years in total on the Framework
- no more than 4 years at each of the three levels
Senior Research Fellows who successfully complete Level 3 are strongly placed to secure longer-term positions as senior researchers or academics in DCU or, alternatively, positions in industry or the wider public service
The four RCF competencies define the knowledge, skills, qualities and attributes that are key to effective performance at each of the three levels of the framework, reflecting the increased capability at each level.
For each of the four competencies there is a definition of the competency together with a number of behavioural indicators that describe the competency in more detail.
What are Competencies used for?
Job descriptions: The competencies are included in the job descriptions for each of the three levels of the Research Career Framework. They inform interviews and aid decision-making during the recruitment process.
They are applied to guide development during the probation process and the performance review and development (PRD) process.
Competencies are assessed during the interview. The DCU People Officer agrees with the Principal Investigator what particular behaviours within each of the competencies the researcher needs to give evidence of at interview. Interviewers are given advice on how to use competencies in advance of the interview. Find out how to conduct the interview.
Probation Process
Competencies are used to guide development during the probation process. Please refer to the competency guidelines when conducting a probation review with a new researcher.
How are competencies used during the Probation Process?
It's important for the Principal Investigator to consider what objectives and tasks the researcher needs to achieve in their first year of employment at DCU. The competency guidelines help identify the skills the researcher must demonstrate.
The Principal Investigator, in discussion with the researcher, identifies the relevant professional and personal development needs of the researcher. Reference should be made to the competency guidelines together with Learning and Organisational Development's aligned courses and supports, and other relevant development opportunities (e.g. on the job training, specific technical training).
The Research Career Framework operates under the following guiding principles:
- Entry to the Framework and progression to higher levels is by way of open competition.
- Researchers can apply at the appropriate level for posts when advertised commensurate with their qualifications and experience.
- Recruitment and selection to all the appropriate levels is completed in line with University policy. The process is open, competitive, transparent and in line with best practice.
- Vacancies at the three levels require external funding to be in place prior to advertising. The Principal Investigator (PI) will ensure that the contract duration matches the funding available.
- Normally, researchers who have a contract of less than one year may not initially be part of the Framework. However, any subsequent renewal normally requires their participation in the Framework. Contracts will not be renewed beyond one year if a researcher is not participating on the Framework.
- All researchers will complete a probationary process in their first year of employment with DCU to ascertain their suitability for continued employment.
- All researchers will complete an annual performance review through the Performance Review and Development (PRD) scheme.
- Professional development programmes are in place for each level of the Framework.
- Eligibility to apply for promotion to the next level requires that internal applicants have successfully completed their probationary period and/or a 12-month performance review thereafter.
- At each level, the researcher is expected to undertake teaching activities that are not normally more than 50 hours per annum. The basis for this provision is that the researcher benefit from professional development opportunities within mainstream academia. The activity, allocated by a Head of School, will be under the supervision of a fulltime academic member of that School
Further Information
The Research Career Framework is fully supported by a wide range of personal development opportunities at DCU, both online and offline.
Visit the Researcher Development Hub, which brings together links and resources for researcher professional development
Explore the Learning and Organisational Development website for a broader view of professional development at DCU
This document aligns our online and offline courses with the three levels of the Researcher Career Framework: RCF aligned to Professional Development courses
New to DCU? Check out our Content for New Staff
Teaching activity is a key component of the RCF. Find out what constitutes teaching activity: Researcher Teaching Activity
Performance Review and Development Scheme (PRD)
Competencies are used to guide development during Performance Review and Development. Please refer to competency guidelines when conducting a performance management development review with a researcher.
How are competencies used during PRD?
When reflecting on performance over the last year, and completing the self-assessment, Researchers can use the competencies to identify the skills they have been using to achieve their objectives and what skills they need to achieve their objectives - and progress their career over the next year.
The Review Meeting
During the review meeting the Principal Investigator can use the competency guidelines to identify the skills the Researcher needs to demonstrate at a particular level and the skills the researcher needs to develop to compete for positions at the next level of the framework. The competencies can also be used to aid in the identification of the Researcher's professional development needs when completing the planning for development form.
Position |
Progression |
Professional Development |
Comments |
Job Title: Postdoctoral Researcher
Duration of Post: 4 years maximum.
Contract will match duration of funding subject to a maximum of 4 years and a minimum of 1 year.
Minimum Qualifications: PhD in relevant area
Salary Reference: IUA Researchers Salary Guidelines |
Notes Satisfactory academic and professional practice within faculty. Completes both the required ‘on-the-job’ as well as formal training. Open competition to progress to the next level. |
Key Training Modules: Orientation, knowledge acquisition and personal effectiveness Publications, funding and intellectual property Project management Teaching and learning
4 days training per annum is recommended as a minimum |
During the course of their employment, Postdoctoral Researchers should: work under the supervision of a specific PI be associated with a particular research project and designs and implements part of a programme of research demonstrate a systematic understanding of a field of study communicate their research with their peers and have begun to develop their career reputation contribute to: teaching/tutoring/mentoring that normally be no more than 50 hours per annum in an associated school and under the close supervision of a fulltime academic member of the School demonstrate the ability to manage a research project including the co-supervision of students. demonstrate awareness of the research environment and the various grant sources and application mechanisms be publishing on a regular basis |
Position |
Progression |
Professional Development |
Comments |
Job Title: Research Fellow
Duration of Post: 4 years maximum.
Contract will match duration of funding subject to a maximum of 4 years and a minimum of 1 year depending upon total years on Framework. Minimum Qualifications and Experience: PhD plus a minimum of 4 years relevant experience at Level 1 or its equivalent
Salary Reference: IUA Researchers Salary Guidelines |
Notes Satisfactory academic and professional practice within faculty. Completes both the required ‘on-the-job’ as well as formal training. Open competition to progress to the next level. |
Key Training Modules: Orientation, knowledge acquisition and personal effectiveness Management training Publications, funding and intellectual property Teaching and learning
4 days training per annum is recommended as a minimum |
During the course of their employment Research Fellows should: work under the supervision of a specific PI contribute significantly to the development of their research and be designing and implementing a substantial programme of research developing a growing reputation within their field of research contributing to the application for a research grant(s) be successfully managing research projects including the co-supervision and mentoring of more junior staff. Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the research area(s) both nationally and internationally contribute to teaching /tutoring/mentoring that shall normally be no more than 50 hours per annum in an associated school and under the supervision of an Academic Faculty member. publishing on a regular basis in a high quality peer reviewed journal(s) |
Position |
Progression |
Professional Development |
Comments |
Job Title: Senior Research Fellow
Duration of Post: 4 years maximum.
Contract will match duration of funding subject to a maximum of 4 years and a minimum of 1 year depending upon total years on Framework. Minimum Qualifications and Experience: PhD and will normally be required to have 6 years relevant experience 2 of which should be Level 2 equivalent.
Salary Reference: IUA Researchers Salary Guidelines |
Research Fellows who successfully complete Level 3 should be strongly placed to secure a longer-term position outside of the Framework as a senior researcher or academic in DCU or, alternatively, other positions in academia, industry or the wider public service. |
Key Training Modules:
Note: 4 days training is recommended as a minimum per annum. (Under review pending further consultation e.g. focus groups etc.) |
During the course of their employment Senior Research Fellows should be: