Mastering your Personal Resilience #dcufutures
Course code: DCU149
Course Overview:
The session will give you usable strategies to identify resilient solutions to everyday challenges. The resilient resist shocks and stay the same; those who are antifragile are able to see the opportunity in shocks, and thrive. Use this Mastering your Personal Resilience workshop to channel energy from change and transformation into positivity and action.
Learning objectives – at the end of this programme you will leave with:
- An understanding the terms ‘adversity’, adaptation’ and how they relate to resilience
- Knowledge of the three key building blocks of resilience: Reality, Meaning and Ingenuity
- Practical and simple tools based around the three building blocks of resilience to enable you to become resilient and anti-fragile in everyday work and life situations
- Learn how to use disruption and adversity to help increase our resilience and become more anti-fragile
- A personalised action plan that you can put into practice at the end of the course.
This programme aligns with and reinforces the key principles of DCU Futures to develop a DCU workforce that is future-ready, adaptive and equipped with transversal skills.
HOW TO REGISTER FOR THIS COURSE 1. Log in to your Core HR portal |