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DCU National Centre for Family Business
STEP Project Global Summit Family Business Paper Award

NCFB Wins Best Paper Award

The NCFB team is delighted to have won a Best Paper Award at the recent 2023 STEP Global Family Business Summit for their research on family business regeneration and resilience in the category 'Regeneration: Managing change and innovation in family firms'.

Dr Eric Clinton co-led the Junior Faculty Day at the summit in Valencia, Spain. This summit is a major international event in the family business calendar and brought together international thought leaders, industry experts and family business owners to connect, share ideas and explore practical ways of shaping the future of family business. 

The line up of speakers included: Prof Pramodita Sharma, Prof Jim Davis, Prof Andrea Calabrò, Prof William Gartner, Prof Miruna Radu-Lefebvre, Prof Kimberly Eddleston, Alejandro Escriba-Esteve, Prof Cristina Cruz, and KPMG Private Enterprise with Tom McGinniss and Daniel Trimarchi. 

Congratulations to the research team: Prof Colm O'Gorman, Dr Eric Clinton, Dr Catherine Faherty and Dr Vanessa Diaz-Moriana.


Best Paper Award