FEC - School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering
School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering


Primary Department
School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering
Associate Professor
Phone number: 01 700
Glasnevin Campus
Room Number

Academic biography

Dr Yan Delauré is an Associate Professor (Senior Lecturer) in Fluid Mechanics in the School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at Dublin City University (DCU) and the Deputy Director of the DCU Water Institute. He received his PhD from University College Cork in 2001 and holds a Diplôme d’Ingénieur in Aeronautical Engineering from ESTACA, France and a M.Sc. in Marine Resources Development and Protection from Heriot Watt University, Scotland. Prior to joining DCU, he was a research engineer at the Hydraulics and Maritime Research Centre in Cork for a period of 5 years and held a one year post-doctoral research in multiphase flow at Trinity College Dublin.   Dr Delauré has played a leading role in the setup of a research group in the area multiphase flow characterization and the development of dedicated research facilities to support dual computational and experimental research. He has received financial support from Science Foundation Ireland, the Irish Research Council, Enterprise Ireland and the EU FP7 and H2020 programmes. He is currently leading an EI co-funded industrial project and is a Workpackage leader and DCU principal lead on a EU H2020 Research Innovation Action. He has co-authored more than 30 articles in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings.    

Dr Delauré's primary research interest is the study of fluid systems in engineering and in particular multiphase flows for applications in process aeration and pumping of incompressible single phase and solid laden flows. He has developed in-house flow simulation codes and worked with a range of commercial and open source solvers including parallel solvers for high performance computations. His interest in un-usual flow processes has required the development of dedicated and specialized experimental systems relying on a range of non-invasive laser based visualization techniques including three components planar PIV, Shadow Sizing and Digital Image Correlation. Experimental capabilities also include a range of hydraulic flow rig for the study of pumping and mixing  applications.

Research interests

Research interests in Computational Fluid Dynamics Modelling of
Multiphase flow in pumping application
Environmental FlowsRenewable Energy SystemsConvective Heat Transfer
Fluid Structure Interaction
Free Surface Hydrodynamics