FEC - School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering
School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering


Primary Department
School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering
Assistant Professor
Phone number: 01 700
Glasnevin Campus
Room Number

Academic biography

Dr. Mohammad Saffari is an assistant professor at Dublin City University. He is specialised in smart and energy-efficient buildings and energy systems technologies. His main areas of research are sustainable buildings and renewable energy, particularly the application of simulation and optimization methods to evaluate the potential of thermal energy storage (TES) materials for energy saving. He has been actively engaged in multidisciplinary and high-profile research and development projects in the domain of sustainable buildings and energy systems across different countries e. g.  Spain, Germany, Australia, and Ireland. 

Prior to joining Dublin City University as an assistant professor, he worked as a senior researcher and engineer in Energy Systems Integration Partnership Programme (ESIPP) led by University College Dublin (UCD) Energy Institute.

Currently, Dr. Saffari is DCU Co-PI of GEONORM “Geothermal Energy and Optimal Renewable Mix at University College Dublin” project. The GEONORM project provides a novel demonstration of geothermal heat use within the district heating scheme of UCD Campus. It is sponsored by Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) and Geological Survey Ireland. GEONORM project facilitates and fosters industry and academia research to collaborate on solutions for decarbonising the heating sector. The core team comprises expertise from CausewayGT, Gavin & Doherty Geosolutions (GDG), iCRAG - SFI Research Centre in Applied Geosciences, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, UCD School of Computer Science, UCD Energy Institute, and Dublin City University (DCU).


Research interests

Energy efficiency in buildings; thermal energy storage; thermal comfort and occupants behavior; energy simulation of buildings; urban energy simulation; optimization of energy systems; demand-side management (DSM); renewable energy; HVAC systems; building automation and smart control; natural ventilation and hybrid systems, geothermal energy, solar energy, sustainable development, data analytics and artificial intelligence.