FEC - School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering
School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering


Primary Department
School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering
Assistant Professor
Phone number: 01 700
Glasnevin Campus
Room Number

Academic biography

Éadaoin is an Assistant  Professor in the School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering in Dublin City University (DCU) since November 2021. She holds a B.Sc in Physics and Biomedical Sciences (DCU - 2014). She worked as a research assistant in the Biomedical Diagnostics Institute designing and optimising lab-on-a-disc plaforms for ELISA assay implementation and novel valving technology. Éadaoin then began working in the National Centre for Sensor Research developing electrochemical detection assays for nucleic acids before successfully securing an Irish Research Council PhD scholarship in 2016 where she developed a novel biosensing plaform for rapid sepsis detection along with E.coli detection using novel aptamers for multiple assay types. She won multiple awards as a PhD candidate, including the Colin Barnes awards and DCU Innovation award. In 2019 she began working on various projects such as single cell capture device manufacture, nucleic acid purification, plant pathogen detection and 2 degrees of freedom technology for sample aliquoting and preparation. 

Main areas of research include Lab-on-a-disc and Lab-on-a-chip for life science applications and biosensing/detection of pathogenic whole cell and nucleic acid analytes.