FEC - School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering
School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering


Primary Department
School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering
Phone number: 01 700
Glasnevin Campus
Room Number

Academic biography

Dr Brian Corcoran is currently  Head of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at Dublin City University. He was Associate Dean of Education within the faculty of Engineering and Computing from 2014 to 2017 with responsibility for providing leadership in advancing academic excellence at undergraduate and taught post graduate level within the Faculty. He is a Chartered Engineer and member of the Institute of Engineers of Ireland, IMechE, HEFAT, SEEP and AMPT.

Since completing his PhD in 2003 he has researched in the areas of High Purity Water Systems, Lab-on-a-chip and Sensor technology. Through his Principle Investigator contributions to the ‘Water is Life’ project he developed an interest in Sustainable Water Systems for Developing Countries. This large multi-partner research team including academics from Ireland (DKIT, DCU, RCSI, NUIM, TCD) and Uganda (Makerere University, Medical Missionaries of Mary and various NGO’s). This work resulted in a wide range of research outputs include two book chapters.

He is currently a Principle Investigator on the Energy Systems Integration Project (ESIPP). This SFI Centre Project comprises a multidisciplinary, multi-institutional research team in Ireland with expertise in electricity, gas, water and data. The project has a large number of industry partners to focus on building human capacity and to develop a national coherent research activity in Energy Systems Integration (ESI). ESIPP is the flagship programme in ESI and involves 23 academics from 7 institutions across Ireland. His facilitative approach to research has resulted in his engineering group supporting large multi-partner international projects (ESIPP, APT, CLARITY, INSIGHT, BDI, MESTECH) and the development of strong national, international and industrial networks. These networks have led to a sustained level of research output and research funding over the past 10 years. He is currently a Principle Investigator with the DCU Water Institute.

He is passionate about teaching and his teaching philosophy is based on respect for all students, for their diversity, different learning styles and their individual educational goals. In acknowledgement of his sustained commitment to curriculum development, innovative approaches to teaching and positive student feedback he was awarded the ‘Presidents Award for Teaching and Learning’. He has shown leadership in teaching and learning during his time as Associate Dean of Education within the Faculty of Engineering and Computing. He chaired the Faculty Education Committee, enhanced teaching and learning activities across the faculty, coordinated external accreditation, introduced annual and periodic programme reviews and lead the Faculty Quality Review from a teaching and learning prospective.

He is an ambassador for the Faculty and University and has developed several outreach programs within the school of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering. These include the Siemens Greenpower Challenge, the ESB Inter University Challenge and the AHEAD Assistive Technology and Universal Design Challenge. He is a champion of the CDIO (Conceive, Design, Initiate and Operate) approach to Innovation and Design.

His vision for the future is to enhance education within his school and to follow in the legacy of his mentors to encourage, inspire and develop the next generation of independent learners. He will continue to act as a focus for like-minded researchers to share ideas, plan research and seek national and international grants to investigate and solve the next generation of grand global challenges.

Research interests

Sustainable energy
Wireless sensor networks
Pharmaceutical Water Systems 
Pneumatics and Hydraulics systems
Sustainable Water Systems
Energy-Water Nexus