FEC - School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering
School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering

Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering - Postgraduate Degree Programmes




ACCESS / ACCESS-ENG / Postgraduate Diploma (GDip)/Masters (MSc) in CAMME

A taught postgraduate programme in Computer Aided Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (CAMME), leading to the awards of Graduate Diploma (GD) or MSc, was launched by the School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering in October 2003.  The GD/MSc programme is of one year duration full time or equivalent part-time. Depending on the entry qualifications applicants enter the programme either directly or through an access course. Examples of applicants who would benefit from this equalising course are those with degrees in other engineering disciplines like applied physics and computer science and with national diplomas (Ordinary Degrees). The access course comprises a number of modules (or their combination) from the School's undergraduate programmes.

The School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering has now introduced two new majors for this Masters:

Major in Sustainable Systems

This Major will prepare graduates for career opportunities in the growing fields of Energy/Renewable Energy (Wind, wave, solar, Biomass etc). Graduates will be equipped with the skills and expertise required to respond to significant changes in the energy industry. This course will allow students to understand in depth the different energy resources, energy technologies, industries and markets.

Major in Biomedical Engineering

The world of medicine is evolving and expanding rapidly, with new treatments and new diseases appearing all the time. Similarly, the range and sophistication of medical devices needed to apply these treatments and fight these diseases is growing. From cameras that explore blood vessels to scanners that analyse the entire human body, biomedical engineering expertise is in greater demand than ever before. This major integrates the necessary aspects of biology and medicine with the technical engineering aspects required to engineer medical devices. The major includes modules on anatomy and physiology, biomedical materials, medical device design, surgical robotics, bioinstrumentation, and regulatory compliance for medical devices. The range of modules covered ensures that students receive a relevant, up-to-date and exciting education which prepares them for working in the challenging and dynamic environment of the medical device industry.

Students applying for these Majors still apply through www.pac.ie and use the CAMME programme codes (PAC Codes: DC814 or DC816) and will select the Major upon registration. For further details please click here .


photo of ceramic hip joints   outside engineering students front   measurement tools