FEC - School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering
School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering


Primary Department
School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering
Full Professor
Phone number: 01 700
Glasnevin Campus
Room Number

Academic biography

Dermot Brabazon holds a Full Professorship of Materials Science and Engineering in the School of Mechanical Engineering at Dublin City University (DCU). He received his BEng (Mechanical Engineering) and PhD (Materials Science) from University College Dublin. From 1995 to 2000 he worked with Materials Ireland, a state materials science research centre.  He was appointed as a Lecturer in the School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at Dublin City University at the start of 2000, promoted to Senior Lecturer and Deputy Head of School in 2007, to Associate Dean for Research in 2009, and to Professor in 2014. Dermot was conferred with the President’s Award for Research in 2009, Fellow of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering in 2015, received Invent Commercialization awards in 2015 and 2017, and the AMPT Gold Medal for Contributions to Materials Processing Research and Education in 2018. He is currently Director for the Advanced Processing Technology Research Centre at DCU; co-founder and Deputy Director for the I-Form Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre, and is Director (RoI) of the Advanced Metallic Systems Centre for Doctoral Training. His teaching and research activities are focused in the areas of materials and processing technologies with a particular emphasis on the development of advanced technologies to enable improved advanced materials science and  engineering knowledge to enable improved product and production,  capability and quality, for the benefit of companies and the broader society.

Research interests

Prof Dermot Brabazon (BEng, CEng, PhD, MIMechE, MIoM, MIEI) has been working in the area of materials and processing technologies research since 1995. His research is focused on the development of Near Net Shape Forming, Laser Processing and Separation Science technologies. In addition to laser surface modification, synthesis of nanoparticles, additive manufacturing, matrix composite production, and material phase structure analysis, these activities include the examination and development of advanced processing technologies to fabricate systems to enhance the separation and identification of chemical and biological species.