You said


Your feedback is very important to us and we use it to continually improve our services.

You Said We Did
"My only issue is Starbucks in Cregan Library. The noise resonates throughout the whole library"

A noise proof ceiling has now been installed above the Starbucks coffee shop on the ground floor of Cregan Library. This will help to minimise any noise disturbances travelling up through the library

March 2019


"Chairs around the library are quiet low. More new chairs needed"


We have recently replaced some of our older style chairs from the O’Reilly Library in lieu of new and robust chairs. We have also provided every available individual study space with a chair on the 1st and 2nd floors creating a total of 738 individual study spaces.

March 2019


"It would be helpful if weekend opening hours could be extended


DCU Library has implemented longer opening hours for the weekend; Fridays until 2am; Saturdays until 9pm and Sundays 8am - 8pm

October 2018


"There needs to be something done about people saving seats"


In response to your requests we implemented a seat management campaign 'Share The Chair' in Cregan Library during exam season in Semester 1

December 2018


"There are lots of lights missing in the library leaving areas dark"


Over the summer 2018 we replaced the lights in O'Reilly Library with energy efficient LED fittings

August 2018


"The library website has been difficult to use at times"


We redesigned our website with an easy to use menu, promotional boxes and new quicklinks from feedback of user surveys and focus groups.

August 2018


"More laptops for short loan would be helpful"


An additional 24 laptops were added to this service across both O'Reilly and Cregan Libraries in 2018. We now have 72 laptops for loan.

October 2018


"A map of the library and where all the books are would be useful"


3D Digital Orientation Maps of O'Reilly and Cregan Libraries are now available on the library website. These interactive maps help our users to locate books, journals and services within both libraries.

November 2018