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School of Law and Government

Recent PhD Graduates | Law and Government

Name Year of Graduation Thesis Title
Mariat Imaeva 2024 Deferring criminal accountability: humanitarian resolution of conflict-related disappearances in the Caucasus. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Marije Renate Luitjens-Tol  2024 Introducing the resilient peace system: new potentials for peace in Kosovo and Medellín. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Niels Kirst 2024 The rule of law crisis within the European Union: constitutional challenges in transatlantic perspective. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Moinuddin Khawaja 2023 Acting like a state: visual analysis of Islamic State’s (staged) performances of modern stateness. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Ramesh Premaratne Ganohariti 2023 Citizenship and contested statehood: a comparative analysis of aspirant states in the former Soviet space. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Miraji Hassan Mohamed 2023 Contested notions of ‘radicalisation’ and youth vulnerability in Mombasa County, Kenya: an analysis of national and local discourses. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Beatrice Monciunskaite 2023 What is the status of liberal constitutional democracy in Lithuania and Latvia? A two country study in the context of democratic backsliding in Eastern and Central Europe. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Peter Cluskey 2023 The co-evolution of networked terrorism and information technology. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Fabrizio Leonardo Cuccu 2023 The securitisation of religion. Training imams to address violent extremism in post-revolutionary Tunisia. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Maira Zeinilova 2023 Neo-Soviet patterns of women’s political participation: a case of Kazakhstan (1995 – 2018). PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Gian Marco Moise 2023 The taxonomisation of informal practices in the oil industry: the case of Kazakhstan since independence. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Jonathan Arlow 2022 Crises and contradictions: explaining libertarian influence on right-wing party policy. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Hasmik Grigoryan 2022 Elections and regional governors in competitive authoritarian regimes: the case of Armenia, 2007-2021. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Proma Ray Chaudhury 2022 Gender and political parties in India: pathways to women’s political participation? PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Helen Maher 2022 The Tripartite Alliance and the gendered nature of the transition to democracy in South Africa. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Veronica Mathew Mkilanya 2022 The impact of reserved seat gender quotas on women’s political representation in parliaments: a comparative case study of Kenya and Tanzania. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Liridona Veliu Ashiku 2022 Back to the future: ‘balkanization’ and the Euro-Atlantic processes of the (western) Balkans. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Rachna Shanbog 2022 India’s development partnership policy: the contradictions of becoming a global player. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Sweta Chakraborty 2022 The politics of superstitions: understanding secularism in India through the trinary of religion, rationalism and superstition. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Sheelagh Brady 2022 Shared cues, different violence organisations: comparing visual recruitment strategies of extremists, gangs, PMCs/mercenaries, and militaries. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Gearóidín McEvoy 2022 The slíbhín and the créatúr: an examination of the lived experiences of regional or minority language users within the criminal justice System. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Clare Barry 2021 Children in special care in Ireland: the role of the court in the protection and vindication of their rights. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Tom Campbell 2021 Climate change policy narratives and pastoralism in the Horn of Africa: new concerns, old arguments? PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Christine Andreeva 2021 EU counter-terrorism's gradual institutionalisation: information-sharing and cooperation in law enforcement and intelligence post-2015. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Aytan Gahramanova 2020 Think tanks in non-democracies: a case study of Azerbaijan. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Philip O'Connor 2020 A very political project: Charles Haughey, social partnership and the pursuit of an Irish economic miracle, 1969-92. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Cornelia-Adriana Baciu 2019 Civil-Military Relations and Military Transformation in Fragile and Insecure States Receiving Support under the EU Global Strategy. Evidence from Pakistan
Chris O'Connell 2019 Policy Switching by Left Populist Presidents in Latin America: The Influence of Civil Society
Catherine Connolly 2019 Investigating the Relationship Between Targeted Killing, States of Exception and Kriegsraison: Effects on Public International Law
Mohd Tahir Ganie 2019 The Language of Contention: The Case of the Post-2008 Kashmiri Youth Narratives
Mohsen Moheimany 2019 Identifying Political Opportunities in Iran: Systematic Variation in Policy Networks - The Cases of Women’s-Rights and Environmental-Protection NGOs
Arpita Chakraborty 2018 Violence, Religion, and Masculinism in Contemporary India: an analysis of the writings of Vivekananda, Golwalkar, and Gandhi
Orla Lehane 2018 Countering Violent (Online) Extremism: A Grounded Theory Study into Grassroots CVE Practitioners
Donna-Marie McNamara 2018 The criminal investigation of suspects with disabilities: the impact of the UN convention on the rights of persons with disabilities.
Clare O'Grady Walshe 2018 Sovereignty and Globalisation: The Case of Seed Sovereignty in Sub-Saharan Africa
Elliott Doak 2018 Economic Surveillance and Financial Markets
Karl Murphy 2017 Why Trilogues? Determinants of the Use of Informal Negotiations in EU Codecision-making Processes 1999-2016
Erika Biagini 2017 A Revolution of Their Own. The Activism of the Egyptian Muslim Sisterhood and its Evolution Since the Arab Spring (1928-2014)
Chiara Loda 2017 The Foreign Policy Behaviour of Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan
Tanja Kleibl 2017 “Sociedade civil? Somos todos nós!”: Civil Society, Development and Social Transformation in Mozambique
Cathal FitzGerald 2016 Leading to Crisis: Decision-making in Ireland’s Celtic Tiger
Ian Kelly 2016 Regime Elites and Transitions from Authoritarian Rule: A Comparative Analysis of the Tunisian and Egyptian Uprisings
Priyanka Talwar 2016 Representing Conflict: A Study of the Indian Government’s Use of Legitimisation and De-legitimisation in its Internal Security Policy
John Quinn 2016 The Corporate Objective: Reinterpreting Directors’ Duties
Míde Ní Shúilleabháin 2016 Pity the Land that Needs a Hero: Political Discursive Strategies of Identity (re)production in Contemporary France
Akisato Suzuki 2015 Nationalism, Rivalry, and Revisionist State Behavior: A New Theory and Empirics in the Post-WWII Era
Eamonn McConnon 2015 The Security-development Nexus as Risk Management: A Multiple-donor Case Study of the Coordination of Security and Development in US, UK and Canadian Policy
Des Delaney 2015 Resolving Recognitive-power Dilemmas: The Everyday Experience of Sunni Muslim Individuals in Dublin, Ireland
Mary Hyland 2015 Rising to the Occasion? Trade Union Revitalisation and Migrant Workers in Ireland
Aurelie Sicard 2015 "Reframing" the Postwar Moment: The Impact of UNSCR 1325 (2000) on Gender Relations in Post-conflict States – The Case of Sierra Leone
Peter McCrossan 2015 The Political Economy of EU Interregionalism
Francoise Joly 2015 The Responsibility to Protect: From Doctrine to Practice ‘R2P’ and Protection of Civilians: Case Study: DRC
Darren John McStravick 2015 The Irish Restorative Reparation Panel and the Search for Community: Idealised Rhetoric or Practical Reality?
Jennifer Brown 2015 The Legal Powers to Detain the Mentally Ill in Ireland: Medicalism or Legalism?
Diana O'Dwyer 2014 'Global Civil Society' and Hegemonic Global Governance: A Gramscian Analysis of the NGO Campaigns to Ban Landmines and Cluster Munitions
James Fitzgerald 2014 Between the Lines: 'Al Qaeda' 'Islamic Extremism' and the Authorship of Critique
Gëzim Visoka 2014 Disentangling the Impact of Peacebuilding: Intentionality, Consequences, and Responsibility
Elvin Gjevori 2014 Institutionalisation and the Politics of Memory in Albania
Gemma McNulty 2014 Latin America’s Left Turn: El Factor Indígena The Role of Indigenous Social Movements in Latin America’s Left Turn
Joseph Hiney 2014 Politics, Path Dependence and Public Goods: The Case of International Container Ports
Dawn Walsh 2014 With A Little Help From Our Friends?: Independent Commissions and the Mediation of Issues in Post-Good Friday Agreement Northern Ireland
Rory Finegan 2014 Targeted Killings in Northern Ireland: An Analysis of their Effectiveness and Implications for Counter-terrorism Policies
Jean Somers 2014 Transnationalism, Power and Change: Three Decades of Debt Campaigning