
Academic biography
Dr. Tom Hickey is Associate Professor in the School of Law and Government at DCU. He specialises in constitutional law and theory, and has published in the leading journals in those fields, including in the Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, the International Journal of Constitutional Law, Public Law and Legal Studies.
Along with Prof Oran Doyle, Tom has co-authored one of the authoritative texts in Irish constitutional law, Constitutional Law: Texts, Cases & Materials (Clarus, 2019). He is the co-editor of Judges, Politics and the Irish Constitution (MUP, 2017), and co-author (with Dr. Eoin Daly) of The Political Theory of the Irish Constitution: Republicanism and the Basic Law (MUP, 2015).
Dr. Hickey has given papers at academic conferences and universities all over the world, and in 2022, was invited to deliver the keynote to the assembled judges of the Irish superior courts at the Superior Courts Conference in the King's Inns, Dublin. Dr. Hickey has been consulted by government, parliamentary committees and media on matters relating to his research. His scholarly work is regularly cited by the Irish Supreme Court and Court of Appeal. He was appointed as the constitutional law expert to the Expert Advisory Panel to the Irish Citizens’ Assembly on Gender Equality in 2019, serving until the Assembly completed its work in 2021.
Dr. Hickey was appointed as a Visiting Teaching Professor at Université Montesquieu, Bordeaux IV in 2015. He was a Visiting Research Fellow at the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights, University of Oxford in 2020, and a visiting scholar at the University of Glasgow (2
Research interests
Tom works in the areas of constitutional law and theory, with an emphasis on judges, judging and the judicial power. He is currently supervising three PhD candidates, and welcomes candidates interested in constitutional law and theory.