
Primary Department
School of Law and Government
Chair, BA in International Relations, Associate Professor in Government
Paola Rivetti
Phone number: 01 700
Glasnevin Campus
Room Number

Academic biography

Paola Rivetti is Associate Professor in Politics and International Relations at the School of Law and Government. She joined DCU in 2011, as an IRC postdoctoral fellow. She researches the government of societies and polities in the Middle East and North Africa from a comparative perspective; social and political mobilizations; gender and politics. She is author of Political Participation in Iran from Khatami to the Green Movement (2020), which she presented in numerous universities across Europe, North America and the Middle East; and co-editor of Islamists and the Politics of the Arab Uprisings: Governance, Pluralisation and Contention (2018), We've Come A Long Way. Reproductive Rights of Migrants and Ethnic Minorities in Ireland (2018), Continuity and Change Before and After the Arab Uprisings. Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt (2015) and Effetto società civile. Pratiche e retoriche in Iran, Libano, Egitto e Marocco (2010). She has published 30 articles in the most important peer-reviewed journals (see publications).

Paola Rivetti was awarded the 2018 Early-Career Researcher of the Year Prize by the Irish Research Council and received the DCU President's Award for Early-Career Researcher. In 2018, she was a TED talk speaker for Trinity College Dublin, with a talk titled What's wrong with solidarity. 

As an academic and intellectual, she contributes to public debates and is involved in a number of cultural and professional initiatives. Paola Rivetti is a Council member of the British Society for Middle Eastern Studiesa member of the Mentorship Committee of the 

Research interests

The global Middle East; Social and political mobilizations; Migration; Gender and sexuality.

I am currently PI of the projects Gender and Authoritarian Diffusion in Italy: Iranian authoritarian discourse and Italy’s Far Right (funded by DCU's Research Initiative Fund, 2023) and How should we revise our assessment methods in political science considering the impact of open AI (artificial intelligence)? (funded by the HEA and National Fund for Education of Ireland, 2023). For more information about my projects, see tab Research.