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School of Law and Government


Primary Department
School of Law and Government
Associate Professor of International Relations
Ken McDonagh
Phone number: 01 700
Glasnevin Campus
Room Number

Academic biography

Kenneth McDonagh is Associate Professor in International Relations in the School of Law and Government. He was Head of School from 2021-2024 and the Associate Dean for Teaching and Learning in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences from 2019-2021. His research is focused on EU Foreign Policy and Common Security and Defence Policy, the role of small states in CSDP, Ireland's security and defence policy, and the gendered impact of CSDP missions. He has published on the EU as a global actor, the gendered impact of CSDP missions and contributed to policy papers and training activities in the area of Women,  Peace and Security and CSDP. He was Principal Investigator of the H2020-MCSA-ITN Global India (www.globalindia.eu) which aimed to train a new generation of experts on EU-India relations and empower them with the skills and expertise to contribute to the EU’s engagement with India. Previously, he was PI of an Irish Research Council funded project on the Gendered impact of CSDP missions in the Western Balkans which produced training material and policy reports aimed at the European External Action Service and other stakeholders. Dr McDonagh has over a decade of teaching experience in EU and International Relations at Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels.

Research interests

Security studies; Counter-terrorism; EU Security CSDP International relations theory; Gender; Discourse theory; US Foreign Policy; Nationalism