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School of Law and Government


Primary Department
Vice President for Research
Work Area/Key Responsibilities
Vice President for Research
Phone number: 01 700
Glasnevin Campus
Room Number
VBG05 Mary Brück Building

Academic biography

Professor John Doyle is Vice President for Research in Dublin City University.  He was previously Director of DCU Institute for International Conflict Resolution and Reconstruction and Professor of International Conflict Resolution in DCU School of Law and Government. His research interests include comparative nationalist and ethnic conflict; Northern Ireland, conflict in South Asia and Irish foreign policy. He is Editor of Irish Studies in International Affairs.  John is also leading DCU's contribution to cross-border collaboration on the island of Ireland, including Ireland North-South: a research programme on the Future of the island of Ireland.  In this capacity John is on the Steering Committee of the ARINS project, a collaboration involving the Royal Irish Academy and the University of Notre Dame and also the board of the Centre for Cross Border Studies.   

Research interests

My research interests are in the broad areas of comparative ethno-national conflict and peace agreements, international security and foreign policy, Northern Ireland and South Asia.  My recent publications have focused on the Northern Ireland peace process and the consequences of the decision by the UK to leave the European Union for the constitutional and political future of the Ireland of Ireland.  I also remain actively interested in peacebuilding in South Asia.  I am also working with colleague Gezim Visoka on some more conceptual work on peace building in the Balkans.