
Academic biography
Dr James Fitzgerald is Associate Professor in Security Studies at the School of Law and Government and Founding Director of the Erasmus Mundus International Master in Intelligence and Strategic Studies (IMSISS)--the University's first Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD).
Previously co-convenor of the BISA Critical Studies on Terrorism Working Group (2013-2017), he specialises in applying political theory to dynamics of terrorism and political violence (and vice-versa). He is variously published in top-ranking journals, including Critical Studies on Terrorism and First Monday and his current research (and teaching) focuses on conspiracy-led violent extremism, conspiracism and “post-truth” politics and conspiracy and disinformation in the context of the 2022 Brazilian Presidential elections.
He has accepted visiting scholarships at a number of prestigious institutions—including Columbia University and Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)—and currently sits on the Editorial Board of Critical Studies on Terrorism: the leading journal in his field.
Dr. Fitzgerald has a strong track record of attracting international research funding, standing at €7.37 million to date and is a leading member of a number of research networks, including the VOX-Pol Network of Excellence for the Study of Violent Online Political Extremism, the Jean Monet Network of Excellence for EU Counterterrorism (EUCTER) and the NetLab Internet and Social Media Studies Laboratory.
Dr. Fitzgerald is published in various public media, including in leading Irish newspapers, The Irish Times and the Business Post. He has written for wider audiences in the form of invited contributions and blogposts and has contributed to notable media outlets on matters of terrorism and security, including BBC News, National Geographic, Politken and The New Yorker.
Research interests
Terrorism and Political Violence, Conspiracy and Violent Extremism, International Relations Theory, Philosophy of Social Science, Political Theory, Reflexivity, 'Post-structuralist' Thought