Ó Broin
Primary Department
School of Law and Government
Chair, Grad. Cert. in MA and European Law and Policy/ MSc in Public Policy

Email Address
Glasnevin Campus
Room Number
Academic biography
Deiric Ó Broin is Professor of Public Policy Practice in the School of Law and Government in DCU where he lectures in Irish politics and public policy.
His research is mainly on Irish politics and public policy particularly the area of local and urban governance. He also works in the areas of public participation and deliberation, civil society involvement in public policy formulation, with a particular focus on the social economy.
Previously, he taught in TU Dublin, Maynooth University and UCD.
His most recent book (edited with Eoin O'Malley), Mayoral Governance in Dublin was published in April 2019.
Other books include Local Governance, Development and Innovation (with David Jacobson) 2017, Social Innovation in Ireland (with Ronaldo Munck and Jordana Corrigan) 2017, Adapting to Climate Change - Governance Challenges (with Peadar Kirby) 2016, Politics, Participation and Power - Civil Society and Public Policy in Ireland (with Mary Murphy) 2013, Local Dublin, Global Dublin - Public Policy in and Evolving City City Region (with David Jacobson) 2010, Power, Dissent and Democracy - Civil Society and the State in Ireland (with Peadar Kirby) 2009, Governing Below the Centre - Local Governance in Ireland (with Eugene Waters) 2017, and Taming the Tiger - Social Exclusion in a Globalised Ireland (with Peadar Kirby and David Jacobson) 2006.