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School of Law and Government


Primary Department
School of Law and Government
Associate Professor in Law
Brenda Daly
Phone number: 01 700
Glasnevin Campus
Room Number

Academic biography

BA(Hons), MA, PhD. Dr Brenda Daly is an Associate Professor of Law in the School of Law and Government, Dublin City University, where she lectures on healthcare law, law and dispute resolution (arbitration and mediation), and employment law. Dr Brenda Daly is the European Association of Health Law National Contact for Ireland, and is currently a member of the EAHL Advisory Board. Brenda is also a member of the EAHL Interest Group on Supranational Biolaw and the Northern/Ireland Health Law and Ethics Network. She has previously served as the Irish Chairperson of the National Mediation Chapter of the European Court of Arbitration, and DCU representative on the Council of the Irish Association of Law Teachers. Dr Daly has undertaken various responsibilities in the School, serving as Head of the Law Group and Director of the Socio-Legal Research Centre (2007-2011;) Chairperson, BCL (Law & Society) 2013-2016. Previously Dr Daly was the co-Principal Investigator of an Irish Research Council of the Humanities and Social Sciences/ Department of Foreign Affairs Conflict Resolution Unit funded project that examined the capacity of the EU as an international peace mediator (2009-2010).

Research interests

Brenda's main research interests are in the areas of dispute resolution and healthcare law. Brenda has a particular interest in patients' rights and the legal accountability of the medical profession. Brenda is undertaking research on mediation and conflict resolution. Brenda welcomes applications from prospective LL.M (Research) or PhD students in any area of healthcare law or dispute resolution. Brenda also has an interest in employment law issues. She has co-authored a book on Irish Employment Law, published by Clarus Press in 2010. Brenda is a contributing author on the employment law practical guidance module for Lexis+ Ireland, and a regular contributor to RTÉ Brainstorm on employment law matters.