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School of Law and Government

Pathway Project

‘They Are Here Too: Gendered Violence in the South Asian Immigrant Community in Post-COVID Ireland’ is a Pathway Project (2022-26) funded by the Science Foundation Ireland and Irish Research Council. 

This project has created a collaboration of scholars from DCU, Lund University Sweden, Tampere University Finland, and Lucerne. In my current role as PI of a Pathways project, I am collaborating with a Bangladeshi and a Pakistani migrant scholar to create a community space for South Asian migrant women who are at risk of domestic violence. This space, called ASHA, will be a safe space for these women to come together, talk and celebrate their culture, and promote their integration into Irish society. I am also supervising a PhD student who will look into explore the ways the current Third Strategy can be used to channelise more tailored support to South Asian migrant survivors.

The project's podcast, “ASHA: Crossing Borders, Breaking Silences”, amplifies the powerful narratives of migrant women. The first episode is coming soon.


Principal Investigator

Arpita Chakraborty is the Principal Investigator of this Pathway Project. She is specifically interested in looking at how ideas around gender, masculinities, and caste migrate transnationally and how it affects migrant women of colour in Europe. She has collaborated with civil society partners outside academia, narrowly defined, in the co-production of knowledge and the communication of research findings for societal impact Her work has been published and accepted for publication in leading international peer-reviewed publications including International Feminist Journal of Politics, Economic and Political Weekly, Religion and Gender, Routledge, and Cambridge University Press. Since finishing her PhD in 2019, she has led three research projects worth more than €500,000 funded by the Irish Research Council, and Ireland India Institute, and collaborated on international research projects with colleagues at Goldsmiths, University of London, Tampere University, Lucerne University, ActionAid Ireland, ActionAid Nepal. As a Postdoctoral Fellow in Dublin City University’s School of Law and Government, she has created and taught modules on postcolonial politics, gender studies and masculinity studies to DCU’s undergraduate and postgraduate students. In her former role as an Editor, she been in charge of the production of 13 top rated academic journals from Sage Publications.


Postgraduate researcher

Carmel Nolan is pursuing her PhD as part of this project. Carmel’s academic journey commenced with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Archaeology & Geography from University College Dublin. This degree sparked Carmel’s passion for gender studies which led her to pursue a Master of Science in Development Geographies in 2018, where she conducted fieldwork on gender norms and the tourism industry within the Hmong ethnic minority group in Vietnam. This international perspective and hands-on experience have enriched Carmel's understanding of the diverse facets of gender studies. She has since presented at conferences in Ireland and abroad on the Irish government's policies on gender-based violence and how they impact migrant women. 



Prof. Dr Stefanie Claudine Boulila, Hochschule Luzern

Dr Orlando Siow, Lund University Sweden 

Dr Virve Repo, Tampere University Finland 

Dr Alessandra Tomaselli, EURAC



Chakraborty, A. and Repo, V. Carceralities and Approved Gender Violence: The Case of Direct Provision in IrelandSocieties, 2024, 14(1), 12.



You can hear the project's podcast “ASHA: Crossing Borders, Breaking Silences” through this link.


the team