
PhD Scholarship Opportunity in the School of Law and Government

SFI Co-Centre for Climate+ Biodiversity + Water PhD Scholarship 

Project title: Strengthening governance and policy for climate, biodiversity and water on the island of Ireland


DCU School of Law and Government and the Centre for Climate and Society are pleased to share this full time PhD position within the newly established Co-Centre for Climate + Biodiversity + Water, funded by Science Foundation Ireland. The Co-Centre brings together 14 higher education and research institutions across Ireland, Northern Ireland, and Great Britain, with the vision to be a home of research, innovation, and policy development across the interlinked challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss, and water.

The scholarship will provide a stipend of EUR 22,000 per annum and will cover EU fees, both for four years. Some funding for research equipment, materials, fieldwork, and conference travel will also be provided.

The PhD project 

Land-use policy and governance play a key role in achieving a Paris-aligned, biodiversity-rich, and prosperous society. Brexit will likely reduce the alignment of land use policy and governance in Ireland and Northern Ireland, posing risks for environmental outcomes across a range of domains including climate, biodiversity and water quality, creating a complex regulatory context for businesses and undermining investor confidence. Against this backdrop the central aim of this PhD project is to analyze trends in land-use regulatory and governance arrangements on the island of Ireland, develop scenario-based analysis of risks associated with policy and governance divergence, and identify potential approaches to mitigate such risks. The project will also focus on the theme of just transitions, and how these can be enabled through strengthened policy and governance frameworks across the two jurisdictions on the island of Ireland.

Closing date: 14 June 2024 

More information on the scholarship and instructions on how to apply are available on the website and on this PDF


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