DCU Ukraine solidarity

DCU School of Law & Government holds seminar on the 'War in Ukraine'

A large number of people, including academics, researchers and students, tuned in to listen to the DCU School of Law and Government online seminar entitled the 'War in Ukraine'. The speakers offered extremely insightful and informative perspectives on Ukraine, international law and other aspects related to the conflict such as refugees.

The seminar on the War in Ukraine involved a panel:

- Dr Tanya Lokot, Associate Professor in Digital Media and Society at the School of Communications. She researches threats to digital rights, networked authoritarianism, Internet freedom, and Internet governance in Eastern Europe.

- Dr James Gallen, Associate Professor in the School of Law and Government. His research interests include human rights, international law and legal and transitional justice. 

- Dr David Keane, Assistant Professor in Law at the School of Law and Government whose research focuses on human rights, discrimination and international law. 

- Dr Sarah LĂ©onard, a visiting Professor at the School of Law and Government whose work relates to migration and refugees.

Dr James Gallen's talk offered a great insight into the legality of the use of force, international humanitarian laws/laws of war, international criminal law, and responsibilities of individuals/states during the conduct of armed conflict. His presentation is available here.

Dr David Keane spoke about the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the Genocide Convention, and the Ukraine vs the Russian Federation 2022 court case hearing of which is currently taking place at The Hague in the Netherlands. His presentation is available here.

The recording of the seminar is available here: https://dcu-ie.zoom.us/rec/share/kHbPNtOfYbjs0Hl6FykkUGnpPTRcvlA0yP3tIJ5FaizT-iTc4QwH1_BNgejHzzJ4.UGOdiZ64TiPBCsVz