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School of Law and Government
Vicky Conway podcast

Dr. Vicky Conway's 'Policed in Ireland' podcast capturing people's experiences of being policed by An Garda Síochána

'Policed in Ireland' seeks to capture the experiences of people being policed by An Garda Síochána. The aim is to create a space where these often unheard voices can be the focus. Using first hand testimony and experiences, it explores in-depth what people's experiences have been, what has been negative and positive, as well as what the lasting impact on them was. It also integrates expert commentary to help understand the context and issues involved in.

Each episode explores a different experience and topics covered so far include domestic violence, young people, migrants, protests, children in care and Magdalene Laundries. We have also included episodes with the family of Terrence Wheelock, who died following Garda custody, and Osgur Breatnach who was wrongfully convicted of the Sallins Mail Train robbery in a case involving the Heavy Gang.

'Policed: The Beat' is an accompanying series which looks at topical policing activities such as the Kerry Babies appeal and the death of George Nkencho. Patreons get early access but Policed in Ireland is freely available at tortoiseshack.com/policed-podcast via iTunes, Spotify or wherever app you access podcasts with.