Dr Valesca Lima panel

Dr Valesca Lima speaks at SCSI Chartered Surveyors National Conference; Addresses issues related to future of housing in Ireland

Dr Valesca Lima attended the SCSI Chartered Surveyors National Conference and was part of the panel focused on developments in Irish housing and the future speakers envisioned for Irish housing policy in the coming years. Panellists discussed in particular the role of the soon-to-be-created Commission on Housing, as set out in the latest Program of Government in early 2021.

The panellists also presented their views on the evolution of the housing system and their expectations for the new commission, including key challenges, such as engaging stakeholders and producing sustainable solutions based on best practises. Dr. Valesca Lima focused her talk on some of the key elements of a long-term national housing strategy that can provide security to all stakeholders about the future of the housing sector: the expansion of public participation, reaching a consensus on the recommendations to be made by the Commission, the constitutional right to the home and the need for stabilisation rent measures.