LGBTQI+ Inclusion in Sport #PrideInSport
The DCU Centre of Excellence for Diversity and Inclusion, in collaboration with Leman Solicitors, and supported by the GAA and the Transgender Equality Network Ireland (TENI), has today launched a video series to start a conversation about LGBTQI+ Inclusion in Sport. The #PrideInSport2020 series will feature insights and expertise from legal and academic experts as well as personal stories from individuals, Diversity and Inclusion organisations and sporting organisations who have implemented proactive policies to support members.
Speaking about the video series, Sandra Healy, Director of the Centre of Excellence said;
“There is a lot to be done to make sport a more inclusive and welcoming place for the LGBTQI+ community. The changes in attitude in our society are not always reflected in our sports clubs and we need sports leaders who are willing to commit to diverse and inclusive values and practices.”
Our aim is to start the conversation and we have created a range of short video excerpts from people who will discuss equality in sport and gender identity in sport policy and practices. We know that many clubs and organisations are on a journey and we hope this will be a helpful series to support them at whatever stage they are at. Our mission in the DCU Centre of Excellence is to transform lives and societies through diversity and inclusion practices and we believe this topic takes us one step closer to achieving that.”
Larry Fenelon, Partner and Head of Litigation, Leman Solicitors added
“It is important that our national sporting governing bodies do more and do better to promote inclusion. Doing this right goes beyond having a protocol for inclusion, it requires active support and implementation on the ground. With only 15% of sporting clubs in Ireland having a fit-for-purpose grievance procedure, there is much work to be done.”
People who have questions about the topic are being asked to send them in here. The DCU Centre of Excellence for Diversity and Inclusion will have a follow up session to respond to questions later in the summer.
Speaking about the campaign, Geraldine McTavish, Diveristy and Inclusion Officer for the GAA said;
"The GAA are proud to support DCU's Pride in Sport 2020 campaign. The aim of the GAA is to provide an inclusive, diverse and welcoming environment for everyone. Over the last 10 years the GAA has been working very hard in the area of inclusion and integration with many developments and programmes implemented."
For more on what the GAA are doing, see GAA for All.
Gordon Grehan, Operations Manager of TENI also added:
“It is important to create a space to talk about the participation of LGBTQI+ people, and, in particular, transgender people, in sport. This is a timely, necessary conversation. From our work at TENI, we know that many in our community do not feel welcome or included by their local sports clubs or organisations. Trans people often miss out on being part of their local sporting community, and do not enjoy the physical and mental health benefits that participation in sport brings. I firmly believe that leadership and education can break down the barriers that prevent the inclusion of trans people in sport.”
The video participants include
- Dr. Tanya Ní Mhuirthile, Assistant Professor of Law, LlM Programme Chair (DCU)
- Larry Fenelon, Partner and Head of Litigation (Leman Solicitors)
- Morgan Crowe, Associate, Data Protection Law & Dispute Resolution (Leman Solicitors)
- Gordon Grehan, Operations Manager, Transgender Equality Network Ireland (TENI)
- Geraldine McTavish, D&I Head (GAA)
- Emma Loo, DCU MSc student
The first video can be viewed here.