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School of Law and Government
Religion and Statehood
Religion and Statehood

Zoom Webinar on Impact of Religion upon the Formation of States and Constitutions to be held on 28 April

What impact did religion have upon the formation of states in Europe and Asia? 

The traces of religion and religious past is present even in the most secular states and constitutions. So what is the impact of religions on the formation of states? Was there influence beneficial and is there a difference between monotheistic and polytheistic religions? We will be discussing these topics with Dr. Dave de Ruysscher and Dr. Srikantan both legal historians from Tilburg University. 

Dr. De Ruysscher's research and talk concerns the influence of religion upon the European continent.

Dr. Srikantan will discuss the influence of Islam and Hinduism on statehood in Asia.

The webinar is free to follow for everyone and there is no expectation of previous knowledge.

The webinar takes place the 28th of April, 13:00-14:30 GMT (Irish Time).

In order to follow this talk please join us on Zoom through ID: 106-748-766