School of Law and Government

Covid-19 Security webinar
Dublin Law and Politics Review hosting webinar on impact of Covid-19 on conflict zones on 30 April
Dublin Law and Politics Review is organising a Zoom webinar on 30 April which will discuss the impact of COVID-19 on conflict zones and what it means for the people living in areas of conflict. The panelists will also look at the impact of corona virus on global safety and security.
The distinguished panelists are:
Dr. Caitroina Dowd, Assistant Professor in Security Studies at DCU
Dominic Hunt, Conflict Policy Advisor at Conflict World Wide
Rebecca Crozier, Regional Director at International Alert
Caia Vlieks, Lecturer & Researcher, Tilburg University
Date: 30th of April 2020
Zoom ID: 993-3700-6582
The event is free and open to everyone. Please join the meeting via the Zoom app or website.