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School of Law and Government
Rule of Law Conference
Rule of Law Conference

Rule of Law Conference slated to be held via Zoom on 24 March

The Dublin Law and Politics Review cordially invites you to join the digital conference on The Rule of Law. Each of the four panels are comprised of researchers and practitioners who will discuss the latest developments in rule of law and legal issues.

The first panel is Global Threats to and Challenges to Rule and will take place from 09:15-10:30 GMT, Zoom ID 511-766-278

The second panel is A Rule of Law Crisis in European Union and will take place from 11:00-12:30 GMT, Zoom ID 900-526-723

The third panel is The Rule of Law in 21st Century which will take place from 16:00-17:30 GMT, Zoom ID 691-336-079. 

Last but certainly not least experts will discuss Rule of Law in the EU with Quo Vadis. These panels can be accessed freely through Zoom without registration. The times are indicated in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).