School of Law and Government

Religion & Equality seminar
Dublin Law and Politics Review invites you to "Religion and Equality" panel discussion
The Dublin Law and Politics Review cordially invites you to event entitled "Religion & Equality - Where does Freedom of Religion end and Freedom from Discrimination Start?" Discussing these issues are the following three esteemed panelists:
Dr Tom Hickey, constitutional law expert from DCU who will be discussing the history of the Irish constitution and interplay between the two freedoms; Fr Seamus McEntee from DCU Inter Faith Centre; and Sahar Ahmed, a Trinity College Dublin PhD Candidate whose research is centred at Islamic law and Human Rights.
The panel discussion is free and open to all. Refreshments will be provided. The event will take place on 9 March 2020 at 18:30 in KA 115 in U-building, DCU Glasnevin campus.
For more information please visit: