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Federico Fabbrini corona virus blog
Federico Fabbrini corona virus blog

Coronavirus likely to have long-term effects on Brexit, UK-EU relations, writes Prof Fabbrini in his new blog

Prof Federico Fabbrini, full professor of European Law at the School of Law & Government of Dublin City University (DCU) and director of the Brexit Institute, noted in one of his latest blog posts that Coronavirus is having a severe effect on EU-UK Brexit negotiations which can have an impact on future EU-UK relations. Meeting between both sides were called off last week when it was announced that EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier tested positive for Covid-19.

"Coronavirus is an exogenous development that should prompt a rethink – to allow more time for the negotiators to discuss the framework of future relations without threatening the economy with a belated hard Brexit," Prof. Fabbrini wrote in the blog post while noting that transnational cooperation was slow to materialise due to "nationalist introversion and lack of solidarity." 

Prof. Fabbrini added that while coordination has increased between different EU member states during the last couple of days, at the same time "more convergence seems to be emerging on the two sides of the Channel on how to fight the pandemic."

Click here to read the entire blog.