Dublin Law and Politics Review to hold seminar entitled ''Privacy in the Digital Age''
Dublin Law and Politics Review (DublinLPR), as part of its "Policies in Perspective Seminar" series, will hold a seminar entitled "Privacy in the Digital Age" which will focus on efficient data protection by social networks. The seminar will be held on Tuesday, February 4, 2020 from 12:00-14:00 in X101, Lonsdale Building, DCU Glasnevin campus.
The panelists will discuss how our private data is protected by social networks. They will also look into the EU's GDPR model of protection and discuss if it is reasonable and efficient, and whether or not the social networks follow the law. Following experts are invited to the panel:
- Dr. Edoardo Celeste (Lecturer at Dublin City University) will talk about GDPR and the efficiency of the EU data protection regime in regard to social networks.
- Dr. Roisin Costello (Lecturer at Maynooth University) will talk about why we have to regard privacy more as a collective than an individual good.
- Cliona McParland (Lecturer at Dublin City University Business School) will talk about the implications of privacy from a business perspective.
The seminar is free of charge and open to all.