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School of Law and Government
DLPR Elections 2020 Debate
DLPR Elections 2020 Debate

Dublin Law and Politics Review to hold General Elections 2020 Debate

Dublin Law and Politics Review will hold the General Elections 2020 Debate on 3 February in SA301, Stokes Building in DCU's Glasnevin Campus. The programme will be chaired by leading Irish author and broadcaster, Shane Coleman.

The debate is intented to help voters to know who they are going to vote for on the 8th of February. The candidates from different parties will discuss their plans and their approach to the current funding crisis in higher education will also be debated.  

DCU students and people living in the local community are invited to join the Dublin Election Debate and pose their questions directly to the running candidates.

Shane Coleman, moderator of the programme, is reputed for bringing debates to life and not shying away from tough questions.

Present at the debate will be:

Noel Rock, Fine Gael

Paul McAuliffe, Fianna Fáil

Dessie Ellis, Sinn Féin

Andrew Montague, Labour

Conor Reddy, People Before Profit

Róisín Shortall, Social Democrats,

Roderic O'Gorman, Green Party

Registration through Eventbrite is free but required. Please click here to register for the programme.