CAROLINE Fellow Chris O`Connell`s research results selected for inclusion in European Commission`s `Horizon Results Platform`
The Irish Research Council (IRC) has notified Dr. Chris O’Connell, DCU alumni and former PhD student, that the results from his research project entitled "Contemporary Slavery in the Context of Climate Change" will be included in the upcoming European Commission’s ‘Horizon Results Platform’ report. Dr. O'Connell's research used a comparative approach to assess state responses to contemporary slavery in the context of climate change in Bolivia and Peru.
The report found that Peru relies heavily on a criminal justice approach, while Bolivia adopted a mixed but piecemeal approach. The findings noted that Lima rarely intervened except to support large business whereas La Paz provided more support, but in a clientelistic fashion.
"Neither state acted to facilitate safe passage or integration for climate migrants, resulting in some being exploited. These variations highlight the existence of alternative approaches to climate adaptation, and the need to recognise climate change as a driver and comprehensively address its associated vulnerabilities," the report underlines in its executive summary.
The research received funding from the Irish Research Council and from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 713279.
More details about the report and EC's decision can be read here.
Keynote Address at Chile Conference
Dr. Chris O'Connell delivered the Keynote Address at the Conference on Ecocide and Slavery in Santiago de Chile on December 10, 2019. This interdisciplinary conference was organised by the human rights organisation Libera, and featured panels made up of academics and civil society practitioners with backgrounds ranging from law to psychology to marine biology.
The title of keynote address was “The Triple Crisis: Climate Change and Contemporary Slavery in Peru and Bolivia”.
The conference was originally planned to coincide with the UN Climate Change Conference (COP 25). When the COP was moved to Spain, many events organised by civil society in Chile went ahead, including the Alternative COP, where Dr. O'Connell also facilitated a workshop. The conference received coverage in the local press.