Dublin Law and Politics Review to hold "Crime and Confession" Seminar on 14 November
Dublin Law and Politics Review is holding "Crime and Confession Seminar" on Thursday, 14 November from 16:00-18:00 in room KA113 of U-building at DCU's Glasnevin campus. The seminar will focus on issues such as the reliability of statements given during a Garda interview, confessions to something you have not done, and dealing with repressed memories and the role of lawyers.
Three speakers will be trying to shed light on these questions. The speakers for this event are:
Neuropsychological Bases of Eyewitness Memory: Implications for Testimony Interrogation, Reliability and Falsehood, Dr. Lorraine Boran
Dr. Lorraine Boran, BA (Psych.), LL.B., Ph.D (Neuropsych), Advanced Dip. (Data Protection Law), Dip. (Law), Dip. (Statistics) is assistant professor of Psychology and lectures Cognitive Psychology; Law and Neuroscience in the School of Psychology, DCU. She completed her psychological training at the School of Psychology/TCIN, Trinity College Dublin; and her legal training at the Honorable Society of Kings Inns and University of West of England, UK. She is also a LLM candidate in the DCU School of Law and Government in the field of Neuroscience and the Law. Her research in applied areas of cognitive psychology includes cognitive assessment, enhancement, rehabilitation and reserve; critical reasoning; mental health and the Law, and neuroethics. She has published in the field of serious games and cognitive function (reasoning) in the healthy elderly, children with Autism Spectrum Disorder; children with Dyslexia/ADHD and pain in children. Additionally, her more recent research has been on neuroethics; law and neuroscience.
Cognitive correlates of concealed memory and detection, Laura McGrady.
Laura Mc Grady, BSc (Psych), Dublin City University, PhD candidate (neuropsychology), Dublin City University. Her research is applicable to the areas of neuropsychology of memory, concealment of true memory and the detection of concealed memory using cognitive and neuroimaging (EEG) measures.
The role of lawyers during interviews, Dr. Yvonne Daly
Dr Yvonne Daly is an Associate Professor in Law at the School of Law and Government, Dublin City University, where she lectures Criminal Law and the Law of Evidence.
Dr Daly holds a First Class Honours Law degree from University College Cork, and a PhD from Trinity College Dublin. Her research focus is on the pre-trial investigative stage of the criminal process, and she has a particular interest in the rights to legal advice and silence, along with the courtroom consequences of evidence improperly obtained at the investigative stage.
She is an Editor of the Routledge Handbook of Irish Criminology, a Board Member of the Association for Criminal Justice Research and Development (https://www.acjrd.ie/), and the current Director of Research of the School of Law and Government.
Registration is free. Click on the link below for registration: