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School of Law and Government
Prof Iain McMenamin

Prof Iain McMenamin takes over Head of School of Law and Government position

Prof Iain McMenamin has taken over the Head of School of Law and Government position after Prof Gary Murphy completed his tenure. Prof McMenamin is an Associate Professor of Politics in the DCU School of Law and Government. His research interests lie in the areas of political economy, business and politics, political communication, and East-Central Europe. Iain has been a recipient of the Dublin City University President’s Award for Outstanding Research and his book ‘If Money Talks, What Does It Say? Corruption and Business Financing of Political Parties’ (Oxford University Press 2013). He won the Brian Farrell Prize of the Political Studies Association of Ireland for best book in political science published in 2013. He has also taught a wide range of courses on comparative politics, European studies and research methods at BA, MA and PhD levels.