Elliott Doak | Law and Government
Elliott Doak
Email: elliott.doak2@mail.dcu.ie
BA Journalism (2011)
MA International Relations (2013).
Research Interests: International Organisations; International Political Economy; Trade; Sovereign Debt; Financial Markets.
Supervisor: Dr Michael Breen
Research Project: Economic Surveillance and the Global Economy
Economic surveillance is one of the primary tools available to international organizations and financial market participants. International organisations rely on surveillance to maintain stability and avert crises in the global economy, while it is advantageous to private actors operating in financial markets. To date, little research has focused on the function, with only a few studies that examine the determinants of surveillance. This research attempts to fill a critical gap in our collective knowledge of economic surveillance, specifically, its impact on financial markets. Using traditional event study methodology, this study tests the impact of economic surveillance releases by IOs and private firms on the global economy.