Chiara Loda | Law and Government
Chiara Loda
Chiara got both her B.A. (2007-2010) and Master (2010-2012) in International Relations and Diplomatic Affairs at University of Bologna (Summa cum laude). In the meanwhile, she spent significant time in external academic institutions as exchange student; specifically, at UCC (Ireland,2009-2010), UW Madison (US, fall semester 2011) and JHU SAIS Bologna Centre (spring semester 2012).
Research Topic: Foreign policy behaviour of South Caucasian states
Supervisor: Dr John Doyle
Research interests: foreign policy theory, post-Soviet area, conflict mediation, security studies.
Ciara's work focuses on Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. They all have relations, even if different in nature and extent, both with Russia and the European Union; this pattern is given by a mix of systemic constrains and in-state choices. The research is aimed at assessing the weight, in each case, of international and domestic factors in determining the different foreign policy outcomes.