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School of Law and Government

Dr Dawn Walsh

Dr Dawn Walsh


Name:Dr Dawn Walsh
Department:Law and Government
Phone Number:086 8684123
Email Address:dawn.walsh@dcu.ie 
Campus:DCU Glasnevin Campus

Biographical Details

Dr Walsh is a current Irish Research Council Marie Curie Co-actions Elevate post-doctoral researcher, School of Law and Government, Dublin City University and Institute of Conflict, Cooperation and Security, University of Birmingham. 

This project research examines the use of complex power-sharing institutions in post-conflict societies including Northern Ireland, Bosnia, Macedonia, Moldova and Iraq.  
Her research interests also include a wide range of conflict resolutions and post-conflict issues including the creation of innovative institutions to manage conflict, the implementation of peace agreements and the development of political parties in a post-conflict environment.

Dawn defended her thesis in Politics and International Relations at Dublin City University in April 2014 (external examiner Prof Brendan O’Leary). She is a graduate of Political Science from Trinity College Dublin (2007). She also has a M.Phil in International Peace Studies (Distinction) from Trinity College. Dawn was awarded a certificate in International Peacemaking from United Nations Institute for Training and Research in 2008. After a short break from academia which involved periods working in the Houses of the Oireachtas (Irish Parliament) and doing voluntary work in Tanzania she joined the DCU doctoral programme.