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School of Law and Government

Cornelia-Adriana Baciu | School of Law and Government

Cornelia-Adriana Baciu

Cornelia-Adriana Baciu was Irish Research Council Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholar. Prior to joining DCU, she was pre-doctoral fellow of the ZEIT-Stiftung Hamburg and worked as security risk analyst at a crisis management company in Konstanz, Germany. Cornelia studied Politics and European Studies in Germany, India and Romania. In 2013, she was awarded with the VEUK Prize for the best MA degree at the University of Konstanz. She was research assistant at the Terrorism Prevention Branch, United Nations Office in Vienna.


MA in Politics and European Studies in Germany, University of Konstanz, Germany (exchange semester at Jawaharlal Nehru University, India).

BA in Political Sciences, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania (exchange semester at University of Konstanz, Germany).

Supervisors: Prof John Doyle and Dr Walt Kilroy

Title of Research:  Civil-Military Relations and Military Transformation in Fragile and Insecure States Receiving Support under the EU Global Strategy. Evidence from Pakistan.

Thesis Abstract: Civil-military cooperation represents one major component of hybrid approaches of peace, security and defence, which emerged to effectively counter conventional and less conventional security threats through coherence and ‘strategic coordination’ between a multitude of actors. While hybrid approaches of peace, security and defence, are playing an increasing role, e.g. in EU and NATO strategies, hitherto, little research has analysed the impact of hybrid mechanisms. This doctoral project attempts to fill a crucial gap in the field of military transformation and global governance by analysing instances of civil-military interactions and military transition in Pakistan, as well as the determinants and strategies which influence them. The findings inform the EU’s Global Strategy about mechanisms promoting military transformation and societal resilience in fragile countries, affected by multiple insecurities and advance theories of hybrid security and civil-military relations.

Areas of Interest: EU Global Security Strategy; transformation of security and defence institutions; civil-military relations; hybrid threats; security cooperation (EU-NATO, PESCO); Brexit; European defence and foreign policy; global governance; security regimes; research methods. 

Selected Conference Papers:

The Interplay Between Endogenous and Exogenous Military Transformation in Insecure Environments - EISA Conference on International Relations, Prague University of Economics, Czech Republic, September 2018 [Online]. 

Strategic Convergence the Prospects for Security Cooperation in Europe Post-Brexit. A Comparative Study of EU28 - ECPR Conference, University of Hamburg, Germany, August 2018 [Online].

Strategic Choices and International Collaborative Defence Regimes in the 21st Century. A Comparative Study of Germany and Romania - IRSEM Conference on Security and Defence Cooperation, École Militaire, Paris, France, July 2018 [Online].

Security Transformation and Multilateralism: The Future of Irish Defence and Foreign Policy  - Royal Irish Academy Conference on Multilateralism and Interdependence, Dublin, Ireland, April 2018 [Online].

IPSA RC44 International Conference on Military and Democratisation, in Christchurch, New Zealand, July 2017 – The presented paper focused on the role of armed forces in democratization and security [Online].



  • ‘Introduction to Research Methods and Skills’, BA programme Economics, Politics and Law, 2016/2017.

Grading Assistant

  • ‘Introduction to International Relations & Security’, BA programme International Relations, 2017.
  • ‘Comparative European Politics’, several BA programmes, 2018.


“From Guardians of the State to Guardians of Democracy? Military Transformation and Institutional Change in Insecure States” Book Chapter, forthcoming. 

"Europäische Streitkräfte im Wandel: Europäisierung oder Natoisierung?”, Offiziere.ch, Security Policy - Armed Forces - Media, Zürich, February 2018 [Online]

“How Much Military Is Enough? An Analysis of Strategic Defence Trends in EU and NATO”, Green European Journal, August 2017 [Online].

“The Soldier and the State 2.0. Security Sector Reform and Civil-Military Relations”,  International Security Sector Advisory Team, Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, September 2017 [Online].

“Disputed Norms in International Security and the Chancing Notion of Sovereignty: The Dilemma of Military Interventions”, Cork Online Law Review, 30 December 2017 [Online].

A full list of publications and conference papers can be found here

Email: cornelia.baciu2@mail.dcu.ie

Twitter: @corneliaa_baciu

Personal Website: http://corneliaadriana-baciu.vpweb.de/