Video Finder

Letter Term Description Category
M Maternity (2)

The period during pregnancy and shortly after childbirth.

Biology, Pregnancy
M Median (1)

The middle data value of an ordered data set.

M Multiples

A number that can be divided by another number evenly without leaving a remainder.

M Mouth (Fingerspelling)

The opening through which an animal takes in food.

M Magnetic North Pole

Where the northern magnetic lines enter the Earth.

M Manufacturing

The production of goods with the help of equipment, labour, and machines.

M Meconium

A greenish substance that builds up in the bowels of a foetus.

Biology, Geography
M Molecular Biology

A branch of biology dealing with the structure and function of molecules involved in biological processes, such as DNA, RNA, and proteins

Molecular Biology
M Median (used in a sentence)

The middle data value of an ordered data set.

M Multiples (used in a sentence)

Multiples (used in a sentence)
