Video Finder

Letter Term Description Category
T Telescope

An optical instrument designed to make distant objects appear nearer, containing an arrangement of lenses, or of curved mirrors and lenses, by which rays of light are collected and focused and the resulting image magnified.

T Through (2)

In at one end, side, or surface and out at the other.

T Transverse Lie

Any time the fetus is not in a head-down position.

T Tornado

A mobile, destructive vortex of violently rotating winds having the appearance of a funnel-shaped cloud and advancing beneath a large storm system.

Environmental Science
T Tongue

A muscular organ in the mouth of a mammal, used for tasting, licking, swallowing, and (in humans) articulating speech.

T Temperature Physics
T Through (1)

In at one end, side, or surface and out at the other.

T Torrential Rain

Rain falling rapidly and in huge quantities.

Environmental Science
T Tongue (Fingerspelling)

A muscular organ in the mouth of a mammal, used for tasting, licking, swallowing, and (in humans) articulating speech.

T Third (2)

An ordinal number (number 3) which are numbers that tell us the position or ranking of something in a list.
