Masculinities Influencers and Young Boys
The Netflix series "Adolescence" has caused quite a discussion in the media, staff rooms, and around kitchen tables.
Certainly, the series has helped us to articulate and sharpen our concerns about boys, girls, and the influence of schools, peers, parents, social media, and community in shaping the norms that children and young people have to navigate.
Evidenced based discussions on these issues have been ongoing at DCU Anti-Bullying Centre for the last 5 years where we have undertaken research and developed resources to tackle online hate, toxic influence, and misogyny.
Our latest evidence based resource for schools by Dr. Darragh McCashin Dr. Catherine Baker with Dr. Fiona O'Rourke was published last November and anticipates many of the issues raised by Adolescence.
Parents, teachers and all who are concerned about young people can access the report on masculinity influencers on the link below: