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Oide adopts model of professional learning for school self-evaluation developed by DCU

Beginning last month, Oide, the national support service for schools and teachers in Ireland, is delivering professional learning for school self-evaluation (SSE) based on a model developed and tested by Dr. Shivaun O’Brien, which includes practical arrangements of leading SSE considering the realities of school and competing pressures on staff.

Research has shown that this distinctive approach provides significant confidence to teachers leading the SSE process, a more positive disposition to SSE and a greater likelihood of completing each step of the process as intended. Dr O’Brien has  shared the model and detailed guidelines with the Oide team and advised them on its implementation.

School Self-Evaluation (SSE) is a systematic approach that schools use to review and assess their own performance, identify strengths, and target areas for improvement. This process is part of the broader framework to improve the quality of education and is guided by the Department of Education and Skills (DES). It involves collaboration among school management, teachers, students, and the broader school community.

The model of professional learning evolved over 9 years. Unlike any other existing model of professional learning for SSE it involves providing professional learning for the teacher leading the SSE process in schools through the provision of simplified, structured, just in time support. This support involves frequent meetings, collaborative learning experiences which are sustained over the course of a school year. 

Dr O’Brien has already delivered this model of professional learning to hundreds of schools across Ireland and the EQI team has carried out various studies to assess the effectiveness of this approach. Based on the success of the model she has been commissioned to develop ethos quality frameworks for the national network of Educate Together Schools, the national network of Education and Training Board schools and the Jesuit network of schools, all using the same model of professional learning for SSE to support schools to lead the evaluation of school ethos through the SSE process. She has widely published her research through academic journals and conferences, both national and international.

Oide is the support service for teachers and school leaders, funded by the Department of Education, formed from the integration of four existing support services and launched on September 1, 2023. Oide has responsibility for providing support for school self-evaluation which is the mandatory school improvement process for Irish schools. 

Dr Mary Nihill, Director of Leadership in Oide said

 “The Oide Leadership Division is delighted to work and collaborate with Dr Shivaun O’Brien on the design of this professional learning programme for schools. We very much welcome this partnership with DCU and the willingness of Dr O’Brien to share her knowledge, experience, expertise, and work with Oide for the benefit of schools seeking to improve through the implementation of school self-evaluation.”

Dr Shivaun O’Brien said

“I am pleased to work with Oide, and in particular the Leadership Division, as they are committed to providing the highest standard of professional learning experiences for teachers and schools in Ireland. In DCU we always aim to undertake research that has real impact on society, and it is wonderful to see that Oide recognises the usefulness of this research and this model of professional learning for SSE. I look forward to working with Oide and seeing this approach to professional learning for SSE being rolled out to more schools across Ireland.”