DCU Institute of Education
DCU Institute of Education
A co-produced study exploring the workplace experiences and educational practice of Autistic staff in Irish Higher Education
Exploring the Experiences of Autistic Academic Staff in Ireland

Exploring the Experiences of Autistic Academic Staff in Ireland

Are you an Autistic individual working in an academic role in higher education in Ireland who has taught for at least one semester? A co-produced study has been launched in which we wish to hear about your experiences, both positive and negative, to find ways to better support Autistic academic staff. There is currently no data on this topic in Ireland or guidance on how to support this cohort of staff working in Irish higher education. 

The project is being carried out by a neurodiverse research team of Autistic and non-autistic researchers from Dublin City University (DCU) and is funded by DCU Institute of Education and AsIAm. As co-produced research, three out of six of the researchers are Autistic and we follow co-produced autism research approaches (for ex, Stark, et al., 2021), throughout the project from design, implementation, data analysis, write up and dissemination.

The research comprises of two elements:

  1. A short anonymous online survey seeking general information, working circumstances, access to supports, and views regarding disclosure of autistic identity.
  2. An optional interview to further explore Autistic academic experience in detail. The interview will be conducted through zoom, or another medium chosen by the participant. 

 More information about us and this study is available HERE or by contacting AutisticAcademia@gmail.com