DCU Institute of Education
DCU Institute of Education
Research Conversations - Craig Skerritt

IoE Research Conversations and Presentations- Craig Skerritt

On behalf of Professor Anne Looney, I have the pleasure of inviting you to the first in the series of virtual research conversations and presentations with the Awardees of the Institute of Education Postgraduate Research Bursary. 

This Research Presentation features Craig Skerritt discussing: "Student voice and classroom practice: how students are consulted (differently) in (different) Irish post-primary schools''.

Craig Skerritt is a researcher at the Centre for Evaluation, Quality and Inspection, Dublin City University. He is also the inaugural Dublin City University School of Policy and Practice Scholar, the Policy and International Programmes Manager at the Royal Irish Academy, and a policy fellow at the Institute for Policy Research, University of Bath. He has published widely on education policy matters, including in peer-reviewed journals such as British Journal of Educational StudiesInternational Journal of Leadership in EducationInternational Studies in Sociology of Education, Journal of Educational Administration and History, and Research Papers in Education.

Craig's supervisor's are Prof. Joe O Hara and Dr. Martin Brown and independent panel member is Dr. Jane O Kelly.

Date: Wednesday 22ndSeptember 7-8pm. Please click here to register for this Zoom Webinar online event and for further details of the presentation. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.