Invitation - Fulbright Scholar Evening
DCU's Institute of Education will host the first of two Fulbright Scholar Evenings on Tuesday 20th April from 6pm-7pm. This event will feature a presentation by Dr Francis Ward, from the School of Arts Education and Movement.
From Dublin to Seattle: My Fulbright Experience
Dr. Francis Ward is a music educator and ethnomusicologist who in 2020 was the recipient of a Fulbright Scholar Award and spent a semester at the School of Music at the University of Washington in Seattle. The Fulbright Program, established in Ireland in 1957, is a prestigious exchange programme and offers critical opportunities for cultural exchange, and Francis will share his experiences of teaching, research and engaging with life in the USA as a visiting scholar. These diverse experiences include delivering a module on pedagogy and creativity in diverse musical cultures, teaching music and dance in an elementary public school, developing resources for the teaching of music through CLIL at primary level in Ireland, documenting the emergence of virtual orality in the online transmission of Irish traditional music, and living in the USA through the Covid19 crisis and the Black Lives Matter social movement. The presentation will be of interest to researchers and practitioners of education, the arts and beyond, as well as to Fulbright alumni and applicants.
Fáilte roimh chách!
Date: Tuesday 20th April from 6pm-7pm. Please click here to register for this Zoom online event. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.