DCU SmartYourHome Multiplier Event
The DCU SmartYourHome Multiplier Event was held successfully on 25th November 2020 via Zoom. The event is part of the international project funded by the European Commission within the Erasmus+ programme “SmartYourHome: how to make seniors’ homes smarter”.
Conducted by Dr Trudy Corrigan (Primary Investigator) and Dr Alfredo Salomão Filho (postdoctoral researcher) from DCU Institute of Education, School of Policy and Practice, the SmartYourHome project is carried out together with the following four European partners:
- Innovation in Learning Institute (Project Coordinator, Germany)
- Eurocrea Merchant (Italy)
- North-East Regional Development Agency, NERDA (Romania)
- Asociación Empresarial de Investigación Centro Tecnológico del Mueble y la Madera de la Región de Murcia, CETEM (Spain)
Digital skills are becoming increasingly important in today’s society, contributing to active ageing and digital inclusion. The SmartYourHome project aims to enable older adults to understand the characteristics and possibilities brought by digitalisation through their engagement with smart home technology, remaining autonomous in their own homes for as long as possible. We, from SmartYourHome, are developing an online course on smart-home technology tailored for older adults. The characteristics of the SmartYourHome Online Course are, as follows:
- Free online course for 20 students (first-come, first-served basis)
- Learners undertake the course at their own pace (over 8-10 weeks) via our digital learning platform
- The course is interactive, presenting research-based content, individual activities, quizzes, and videos
- Constant support from e-tutors
- Learners get one free smart-home device of their choice for the course (Alexa, smart switch, smart camera, or fitness track)
- Registration for the course by mid-January 2021
- Course starts in February/March 2021
Members of Blessington University of the Third Age (U3A) and Balbriggan Men’s Shed actively participated in the DCU SmartYourHome Multiplier Event, sharing their perspectives on the use of smart-home technology, and demonstrating great interest in undertaking the SmartYourHome Online Course. We would like to thank all participants for such an engaging event and would welcome older adults from Dublin and beyond who are interested in the course. We would also like to thank Dr Tanja Tillmanns for her voluntary engagement in the SmartYourHome project.
For more information, visit the SmartYourHome Project website: https://www.smartyourhome-project.ili.eu/
For more information on SmartYourHome Online Course, contact us at: trudy.corrigan@dcu.ie or alfredo.salomao@dcu.ie