DCU Institute of Education
DCU Institute of Education
Fiona Murphy

Growth Mindset and Constructivism in a DEIS Primary School

Congratulations to Fiona Murphy, Research Associate with the Educational Disadvantage Centre and M.Ed Graduate, Poverty and Social Inclusion Special Option, on her target article with Dr. Hugh Gash, Growth Mindset and Constructivism in Irish Primary Schools: Implications of a Qualitative Study, published in the international journal Constructivist Foundations:

Murphy F. & Gash, H. (2020). I can’t yet and growth mindset. Constructivist Foundations, 15 (2): 83-94

As a target article, it was the subject of responses from 9 peer commentaries in the journal. These included from: Arne Engström Strömstad Academy, Sweden; Dewey I. Dykstra, Jr.Boise State University, USA; Michelo DelMonte Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland; Professor Leslie P. Steffe University of Georgia, USA; Professor Robert J. Martin Truman State University, USA; Philip Baron, University of Johannesburg, South Africa, as well as from DCU’s:

-          Dr. Mary Shine Thompson: (2020). Growth Mindset and Constructivism in Irish Primary Schools: Implications of a Qualitative Study. Constructivist Foundations, 15 (2): 95-97

-          Dr. Dolores Corcoran: (2020). I Never Knew I Was Good at Maths. Constructivist Foundations, 15 (2): 114-116 and

-          Dr. Paul Downes: (2020). A Spatial Turn for Constructivism: Concentric and Diametric Spatial Systems Framing Meaning for Exclusion and Inclusion to Challenge Failure Identity, Constructivist Foundations, 15 (2): 98-100

The authors’ response to these peer commentaries was also published:

Gash, H. & Murphy, F. (2020). The ecology of teaching and learning, Constructivist Foundations, 15 (2): 118-121

Fiona Murphy’s lesson outlines for her Growth Mindset Classroom Intervention (GMCI) that was the basis of the study are available for schools on the Educational Disadvantage Centre website: https://www.dcu.ie/edc/Growth-Mindset-Classroom-Intervention.shtml-1