Early Childhood Research Centre Public Lecture
The Early Childhood Research Centre (ECRC) at Dublin City University has the pleasure to host Professor Beth Blue Swadener, Arizona State University, for a public lecture titled:
Scholar activism, situated childhoods, and pedagogies of place
Tuesday, 10 March 2020 | 5-7 pm
St. Patrick’s Campus | McGahern Theatre (D211)
The lecture will be followed by a reception
The lecture is an event under the Transatlantic Partnership between DCU and ASU (https://dcu.asu.edu/)
Beth Blue Swadener is professor of Justice Studies and Social & Cultural Pedagogy at Arizona State University, and a member of the scientific advisory board of DCU ECRC.
Her research focuses on childhood studies, internationally comparative social policy, with focus on sub-Saharan Africa, and children’s rights and voices. She has co-edited and authored 14 books, including Children and Families “At Promise”; Power and Voice in Research with Children; Does the Village Still Raise the Child?; Decolonizing Research in Cross-Cultural Contexts; Reconceptualizing Early Childhood Care and Education: A Reader, Educating for Social Justice in Early Childhood, and the Routledge International Handbook on Young Children’s Rights. Beth is a co-founder of the Jirani Project, supporting vulnerable children in Kenya with education and guardian support (www.jiraniproject.org), Reconceptualizing Early Childhood Education (RECE) (www.receinternational.org) and Friends of the Girl Child Network (http://friendsofthegirl.org/).
All welcome but please RSVP to ecrc@dcu.ie
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